Sojin Park’s artworks are currently shown at our Summer Show 2023 | Young International Positions from 30th June - 18th August.
Something between, To be between,If it's between, 2020, Hand-stitched and painted on Cotton Fabric, Korean Ink, Thread, Acryl, Pen, 195 cm x 175 cm
Sojin Park
The threads and lines in Sojin Park's tapestries cross and create gaps. Patterns of string resemble faces from afar; close up, the intertwined knots and separating fibers are in focus. Similar to the complexity of human existence, the material bridges boundaries, floats between inner and outer realms, and perpetually cycles. The artist poses the questions of where boundaries begin, end and are dissolved. Perhaps that is why Park is naturally captivated by the liminal spaces that exist on the borderlines — ghostly entities, non-binary, ambiguous creatures that blend and divide. These figures bridge the gap between humans and the divine, ancient shamanism, nature deities, and folk beliefs. These entities create ruptures or offer new cultural possibilities. They give shape to our hidden inner worlds and awaken our imagination to realms rarely found in reality. The spaces in between, not just between worlds, but also interpersonal gaps of "you" and "me," are a source of difference and diversity.
Selected Works
Something between, To be between, If it’s between, 2021, On Cotton Fabric, Thread, Acrylic, Pen, 160 cm x 200 cm
Something between, To be between, If it’s between, 2023, On Cotton Fabric, Thread, Acrylic, Pen, 50 cm x 50 cm
Something between, To be between, If it’s between, 2023, On The Cotton, Thread, Acrylic, Pen, 50 cm x 50 cm
Ohne Titel (Untitled), Drawing on Paper 350 g, Korean Ink, Pen, 30 cm x 40 cm
Ohne Titel (Untitled), Drawing on Paper 350 g, Korean Ink, Pen, 30 cm x 40 cm
Ohne Titel (Untitled), Drawing on Paper 350 g, Korean Ink, Pen, 30 cm x 40 cm
Ohne Titel (Untitled), Drawing on Paper 350 g, Korean Ink, Pen, 30 cm x 40 cm