selected works
MASCH, NEVER AGAIN, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 90 x 70 cm
ALONG THE RIVER I, 2018 - oil on canvas, 220 x 160 cm
MASCH, THAT CURTAIN SOMETHING, 2014 mixed media on canvas, 120 x 100 cm
MASCH, ALMOST SUMMER 2, 2018, oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm
MASCH, PLENTY OF GREY, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 80 x 100 cm
MASCH lives and works in Berlin
1950 born in the Rhineland
1971 - 1973 studied free painting at the UdK (former HdK) Berlin with Prof. Karl Oppermann.
His works, which he produced under the title "NEW GENERATION", possess the magic of transience, and thus appear timeless.
He has perfected this technique in the Babelsberg film studios, among others. There he is regularly engaged by the Art Department as a set painter for Hollywood productions.
Worth mentioning is also the artistic assistance on the films "DAS BOOT" , "AGUIRRE, DER ZORN GOTTES" by Werner Herzog, "Querelle" by Rainer Werner Fassbinder and "DIE BLECHTROMMEL" by Volker Schlöndorff, "Paris Texas" by Wim Wenders, "Das Boot" by Wolfgang Petersen etc. etc.
Since the beginning of 2019, MASCH has also devoted himself again to figurative-abstract painting, which he pursued in very early years. His famous "SPECIES" - drawings and graphics, he now also produces large format in oil on canvas.
His main work, however, consists of ingeniously composed patchwork surfaces, which also show figurative representations.
MASCH was a visiting professor for the UdK Berlin and the Fraunhofer Institute and taught art students at the Institute of Art and Design, Malta.
Since 2008 MASCH lives and works in Berlin again. Here he successfully runs the company Kunstleben Berlin together with the artist Romy Campe.
In Berlin, other projects have been developed, such as the Living Art Pictures Show and the artistic salon dinner. Exhibitions worldwide.
MASCH’s work describes a discursive rebellion of continuous civilization in a state of decay. His paintings arise from the overlapping of canvases becoming true membranes fringed by time and history. These superimposed membranes speak of a time of destruction and decay, of a disintegrated, lost world. Cut, glued, clipped, these canvases form expanded layers of pastel or violent colors. It is the representation of the slightest details emphasizing hardly mentionable elements that are outside the symbolic sequence of civilization and that disturbs social rules, trying to defy a traumatic experience. (Anaid Art Gallery)
„My work is uncompromising and does not offer any solutions. Rather, I try to make transience visible in a certain state. This state presents itself to the viewer as a pure surface. I am making him the content of my work. „
After his successful Series „NEW GENERATION“, MASCH added the Series with the Title:
„NEXT GENERATION“, which he presents for the first Time at the Anaid Art Gallery.
As in the first Series, MASCH is about the issue of Transience.
MASCH’s works are not influenced by modern art currents, but rather the free design of the surface with different materials in mostly three-dimensional representations. The strong impulses emanating from his works exude a viewer’s magic that is unique. This magic is a gift when one takes the time to „dive“ into his pictures and let the view wander. One can not escape the magic of his works.
Also his latest work on the subject of "transience", but in abstract-figurative representation.
„All art is both surface and symbol“ (Oscar Wilde)
As Professor Arnd Joachim Garth said in his Laudation, on the Occasion of the Exhibition NEW GENERATION on 25 June in Berlin:
„They are looking at their own life-science from memories and the radiance of what is now. You’ll purchase a Membrane Time Machine"
Transience is the soul of being (Thomas Mann)